Back on Line

I’ve been off line for a few years, focusing on my day job responsibilities. I thought it was time to start blogging again, so here I am.

Over the past three years, I’ve had the joy of meeting Kyle Mercer.  Kyle is the creator of Inquiry Method, a simple concept with powerful opportunities.  The essence of Inquiry Method is asking, open, honest…even childlike honesty..questions to help others better understand their “truth.” “Truth” meaning their true feelings and the reasons for their behaviors or actions.  This has profound application in the workplace, at home or anywhere else in our lives.

The key to effective Inquiry Method is creating a relationship with the other person so they feel totally safe to give you real and honest answers.  Answers to questions such as, “What prevented you from doing ____?” or “Why do you feel that way?”

Over the next several blogs, I will share more about this amazing approach…to life and the wonderful impact it has had on my life.

Landscape at sunset. Fishing boat.

About Norm Baker

I am an award winning business enabler, not a bureaucrat, specializing in creating and enhancing my company's culture as a Best Place to Work. Recently named as HR Professional of the Year by the Human Resources Association of Palm Beach County and recipient of the HR Excellence Award from South Florida Business and Wealth magazine. As a Human Resources Leader, I ensure a fully engaged work culture. Using innovative and compelling approaches to recruiting and selecting the best talent, on-boarding and developing our people to their full potential and constantly building on a work environment that maximizes their contributions and my company's ROI. Equally important, I eliminate liabilities by managing conflict to enhance job performance and negate legal concerns. As a sales and operational professional, I generate revenue while building and retaining my client base. Grounded with 15 years experience with Exxon and American Express, culminating as Vice President, I’ve since taken on even broader, company-wide roles with small to mid-size companies. I bring a formidable arsenal of programs, strategies, techniques and contacts. My flexibility in approach, embrace of ideas and feedback, along with my decisiveness in decision-making and implementation, have left a profound impact on each of my organizations. My integrity and loyalty have made me a trusted confidant to CEOs and all levels of management and staff.
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