
Brooklyn Bridge NY

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  • Brooklyn, NY born, I grew up in a racial, economic and social melting pot.  From hard knocks playing city hoops, stick ball and flipping baseball cards, I learned early lessons of conflict management, negotiation and competition.
  • Summer camp introduced me to independence and love.
  • College helped me discover my balance of work and play, networking and advanced my understanding of love and relationships.
  • Grad school Purdue first humbled me and then ignited my passion for understanding and impacting human behavior in organizations.
  • My senior roles at Zenith, Singer and AequiCap have allowed me to apply my trade with profound results that continue to bring tremendous satisfaction to me and my wonderful colleagues.
  • My two children, currently attending college, are on a clear path to achieving much more than I have.  They are my proudest achievement.
  • My wonderful wife never ceases to amaze me with her passion for service to her customers and colleagues, her drive for her personal development and her ever-growing love and support she reigns on me.
  • I have discovered the thrill of ocean yacht racing which forced me to finally learn to swim.
  • I am blessed to have both parents still in my life, while cherishing our diminishing time together.

1 Response to About

  1. Fitz says:

    What a beautiful synopsis and insight on your life. Often one would say “you are blessed”; however, reading through your life experiences, it is so much more than that. You created your blessings and that is a beautiful accomplishment.

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